Katie From the Apprentice and Her Showdown on GMTV Because of Her Affair
I can barely sit still while I write this. Never in my life did I imagine that a contestant from BBC show The Apprentice would ever have an impact on me - let alone be the subject of a blog posting.
But I have to say, I don't think there are many people like ruthless Katie, whatever her surname. Ok, I know she's called Katie Hopkins, but my annoyance about her behaviour made me stall.
I watched GMTV on Wednesday morning as Fiona Phillips grilled her about her sacking and, being an avid GMTV viewer, I knew Fiona was going to give her a tongue-lashing about her supposed affair with a married man - she's just moral like that.
It's just as well I'm not a cup-of-tea-in-the-morning kind of girl, or I would have choked when Fiona basically told Katie that her employers hadn't banked one her being caught naked in a field with "someone else's husband".
My sides just about manage to stay intact with the laughter. But I know where Fiona is coming from. I try not to be judgemental in my everyday existence (ok, so I lie a little), but my thing is... if you know the guy is married, and that you are under the media microscope because of your bitchy persona, why the hell would you be in a field naked with a married man? So you might like the whole open spaces thing, but what did you think it would do to your career?
Was her employer right to sack her? I don't know. But I do know that that married guy's wife must sleep an extra hour at night, knowing that the bitch who stole her husband, or at least caused her more embarrassment than anyone deserves in matters of infidelity, has been exposed and shamed.
If I were her, I wouldn't even feel the need to take scissors to my husband's suits or stitch prawns in his lapels. That would be enough for me! Wiping that smug grin off the posh, rhino-faced cow's face. Justice indeed!
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